Your Patients...the good, the bad, the ugly, the OMG moments...

…uhh, what?
‘Hey, can I get your number?’
…okay buddy, let’s be serious, I just flossed your teeth and practically bathed in your blood. You and I – we’d never work out.
‘Be careful with my crown, I superglued it back on.’
*jaw drops*
‘If I run out of dental floss, I typically just use my hair…’
‘Well, I don’t floss because it just pushes the plaque down into my gums.’
…I seriously cannot. I can’t.
Dental babes, let’s be real…like really real. We’ve heard the good, the bad, the ugly, the disgusting, the ‘you can’t actually be serious right now, can you?’ and so much more. Our profession is awesome, we love what we do…but we also shake our heads um-teen times a day in confusion at half the you-know-what our patients say.
We all have that Dental Squad Chat where we talk half about Dental Life and half about boys, wine and what our plans are for the weekend….so, SPILL IT. We want to hear from you! What is the weirdest, craziest, most unbelievable W.T.F moment you’ve had since becoming a hygienist? dental assistant? Or dentist?
We want to hear them ALL! Comment below OR on our Instagram post and we’ll pick one story that makes cringe the hardest. That best story we read will win a shout out on Social Media AND a surprise package from DHN.
We seriously can’t wait to read these…we totally plan on opening a bottle of wine (or 3) and reading these OMG-moments.
*Winner to be announced on Friday, November 4th at 4pm EST.
*Please do not mention any specific names, practices, or schools.