Contouring The Face of DHN
You know that meme that you’re constantly seeing on Instagram…and Facebook…and Twitter? Yeah, the one about how 14 year olds looked when we were 14 vs how 14 year olds look now? If you haven’t seen it yet, no worries, we got ya covered! Here it is:

Isn’t it the truth though?! Why do teeney boppers these days get to skip the awkward, blue eye shadow, four eyes, braces, nerdy shirt, dorky flip-phone-mirror selfie phase?! Well, Dental Babes, the truth of the matter is – times are a-changin’!
Times change, things change; what we used to think was cool is so not cool anymore... aka MANUAL TOOTHBRUSHES ARE NOT COOL!
It’s just the way the world works.
So why on earth are we, DeNtAl FrEaKs, talking about what we looked like when we were 14? As if it matters anymore? Well, because quite frankly we’re a little salty that we had pig tails in our hair, flare jeans, and sneakers when we were youngin’s; while current 14 year old #baes have contours that are #onfleek and #browsfordayz.
We obviously can’t go back in time and give ourselves a makeover…and since we can’t do that, the next best thing is to give Dental Hygiene Nation a makeover; because let’s be real, we’ve had the same logo for almost 3 years (We’re almost 3?! What!! #Icanteven.) It’s time for a change….
DHN then

DHN now:

Think of this as the contour to the face of Dental Hygiene Nation….
We have MORE seriously awesome, exciting, amazing, bada*s news coming soon! To give you a hint, let’s just say our logo isn’t the only thing getting a makeover, we’re about to makeover the look of Dentistry….eeek!!! Now let your minds wander ;)
Minty fresh kisses,