Why Should You Attend the Dental Hygiene Seminars Board Review?

Okay, we know, board review is one of those things where you dread writing ONE more check for. But, listen UP! When you leave this review, we promise you will leave with not only confidence in yourself but reassurance that YOU DO KNOW WHAT YOU’RE DOING! Think of it as a field trip with your dental besties to prepare for the last step in your dental hygiene career. It’s a great time to bond, go out to dinner, hang out your hotel room, laugh a little OR a lot, and just enjoy that last few months of your dental hygiene schooling!
We know food isn’t going to help you pass your exam, BUT it definitely doesn’t hurt to eat like a queen! ;) Your lunch is provided each day at the seminar so you don’t have to worry about fueling your body to study your a** off! Definitely not a #dentalhygieneproblem. Oh, and FREE Starbucks every morning. YAAAS FLOSS QUEEN.
Now, let’s get to the best souvenir you will take home from DHS…. YOUR TEXTBOOK. Your textbook is included in the seminar fee to help you study and also includes practice tests. It’s totally comprehensive, so you don’t need to worry about missing any information or if you missed anything at the seminar! This book will become your lifeline. No need to keep 17 books on your desk, this book condenses everything into ONE.
There is a speaker for each section of your board book which is set-up to reflect each section of your test! Dental Hygiene Seminars bring the BEST speakers in the industry to every seminar! They won’t have you yawning like your 89-year-old pharm teacher back at school that just needs to retire. Each and every one has an advanced degree Dental Hygiene or Dentistry and years of teaching and clinical experience, so you know you’re getting the best in the biz! All of the speakers genuinely care about giving you the tools and information you need to pass the boards. And they make it FUN! Most speakers have fun study songs, tips, or rhymes to help you remember on your big day. They’re also knowledgable in past board exam formats and questions. This is HUGE when a, b, and c, are right but d is really right...and you just want to rip every single hair out of your head. On top of hat, they are willing to share their emails with students and willing to stay after the seminars to help answer any additional questions you might have.
There are multiple breaks throughout your day which gives you time to mingle with the vendors that partner with DHS. The seminar is a great opportunity to interact with vendors and discover new companies you may not have heard of before! Hey, you might just land a sales job when you leave! The vendors also have fun activities throughout the weekend like giveaways and fashion shows. Oh, and OBVIOUSLY Dental Hygiene Nation will be there! Getting to hang out with us and purchase your fave dental goodies is our way of reminding you that got this, dental babe. ;)
*PS: We had a blast getting to know all of the students and hearing their stories! DHN is here to support and cheer on dental hygienists and dental hygiene students through their entire careers. We know the DHS board review is the best place to prepare and help you succeed!

Hi, Dental Hygiene Nation! I wanted to let you know that I attended THIS.SAME.BOARD.REVIEW back in 2013 in Columbus, OHIO. Let me tell you, my classmates were absolutely dreading this "MANDATORY seminar" we HAD to attend. It was in the middle of winter and we did NOT want to give up our free weekend of fun to go study (insert eye roll emoji) and listen to MORE lectures. To be honest, I remember when we were going into this weekend, we were all feeling kind of BLAH.
Fast forward to the end of the seminar, we didn’t want to leave! I know, I know, sounds cliche but it’s really not. I went in feeling like I had SO MUCH work to do and tons of studying to complete. What this seminar actually did for me was make me realize I already know this information, I just had to organize it all and regurgitate it on test day. It’s not about studying harder, it’s about studying smarter. And this, my dental friends, is your ticket to studying smarter and a way to lift a whole lot of stress off your chest. Oh, and remember how you might land that sales job…DHN may have been birthed at DHS. Crazy things could happen, YOU NEVER KNOWWWW :) GOOD LUCK!