What's Under the Mask?!
Working in or soon to be working in the dental word is nothing short of awesome. We love what we do, we love our DeNtAl SqUaD, we are passionate, we are driven, we are smart, we have great teeth and live to give you your best smile. While we can’t say enough wonderful things about our career, we would be fibbing if we said there are no downsides, there are a few. We don’t get to wear cute clothes to work every day, our hair has to be pulled back, our makeup should be subtle, blah blah blah…
Well, good thing DHN is made up mostly of Dental Professonals who are sick of the ‘downsides’ and are working day and night to make being a Dental Hygienist more ~*glamourous! *~
While we fully intend to let our fellow Dental Babes in on ALL of DHN’s secrets on being the most fab RDH ever, we’ve gotta start smewhere…
Presenting: Under the Mask: The Best Makeup Products for the Dental World
The two main products we slap on before heading out of the house to create beautiful smiles? MASCARA and LIPSTICK.
Let’s start with above the mask, your EYES! If we could be more obsessed with anything other than teeth, it would be our lashes! We’ve tried ‘em all - if a mascara was on the market, it's been on our lashes! While it was a long, hard decision making process, the results of the Top 3 Best Mascaras are in:
#3. They’re Real! – Benefit Cosmetics – Color: Black
They’re Real! comes in at number 3 in our favorite mascaras. It’s a light formula with amazing coverage, length, and pigmentation. You know those itty bitty lashes in the corners of your eyes that seem like a lost cause? This awesome brush latches on to those bad boys to make the 4 hours of sleep you got look like 14 ;)
#2 High Impact - Clinique – Color: Black

We promised you tips on those pretty little lips, but you’ll have to tune in on Tuesday…
*to be continued…..