Find Your Silver Lining With DHN's 4910
(Almost) every crown has a silver lining...
& so does every cavity, perio patient and non-flosser. Their silver lining is YOU, dental babe! You are there to guide them into a world of better oral health; without you, they wouldn't know how to improve their dental situations. This season's box of DHN's 4910 comes full of goodies to remind you to always be your patients silver lining...
Let's sparkle...
SCALER: $39.99

Toothy Travel Mug: $20
Operatories are cold, AMIRIGHT?! And scrubs aren't exactly snuggle-worthy, so we need to take warmth where we can get it! We wanted to make sure our dental babes could show off some toothy love while they sip their favorite warm beverage.
Loloz Anti-Cavity Lozenges:
By: Healthy Grid
A cavity fighter that tastes good is no longer an item of your silver-lined dreams, dental babe. Studied, proven and Dentist approved, this one of a kind cavity fighter is made with Cavibloc, a licorice root extract that targets and disables bacteria.
Silver Glitter Pin: $10
Everyone needs a pep-talk sometimes, or even just a reminder that 'YES! YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS' & that's exactly what this pin is for! Every time you look at it pinned onto your lanyard, loupe strap or scrub pocket, let it be a reminder that YOU GOT THIS, dental babe.
Expanding Floss: $7.79 (2 pack)
By: Hayden
Think about it; your sponges expand when you're using them to CLEAN your body...shouldn't your floss do the same when you're CLEANING between teeth?! This expanding floss by Hayden is *literally* a loofa for your gum line. As soon as it hits the moisture in your mouth, BAM! It expands on contact to give your teeth THE cleanest clean.