A Dental Babes Guide To The Top Dental Apps

If you haven’t ventured into the world of Apps since becoming obsessed with teeth, you’d be surprised just how many they have made specifically for dEnTaL NeRdS.
The release of the new iPhone 7 had us thinking in full app mode, so we had a chat about our favorite Dental Apps which we obvi have to share with our fellow Dental Babes:
1. Brush DJ: Are you a Dental Mom? If so, you probably made sure your little one knew how to floss his teeth before saying his first word ;) Well if you’re potty training a little one and teaching them to brush properly at the same time – things can get a little wild. That’s where the Brush DJ comes in, a tune comes on for the proper time that you should be brushing! When the music stops, it’s time to spit and rinse. Brushing made fun! Oh and we won’t judge you if you use it too! *dancing girl emoji*
Free - Brush DJ
2. Dental Post: How awesome would it be to have all job and event opportunities for Dental Professionals in one place? Well, Dental Post has taken that wish and turned it into a reality. With both a website and an app that allows you to put your Dental Experience online for local Dental offices to see, it’s never been easier to find the office of your dreams! Oh, and they have events too! So you’ll never miss an opportunity to mingle with your fellow Dental Squads!
Free - Dental Post
3. Dental Drugs: Let’s face it, we’ve learned a lot in Dental School…so you can’t blame us for needing a cheat sheet every now and again #AMIRIGHT?! Download Dental Drugs, your go to app-library with all the need to know’s when it comes to medicines. Looking up side effects and dental complications has never been easier!
Free - Dental Drugs
4. …Which brings us to our next cheat sheet: Dental Dictionary: It doesn’t get more convenient than this: 18,000 Dental terms, 11,000 audio pronunciations and 3,000 images to ensure your Dental Knowledge is always on point!
Free - Dental Dictionary (Offers in app purchases)
5. Study Blue: While the apps above are ideal in a pinch, it’s no secret that future RDH’s spend a ton of time studying. We have enough to carry around, so any time we’re giving the opportunity to carry one less item – we’ll take it! That’s where StudyBlue comes in! StudyBlue comes preloaded with tons of flash cards that sync right to your classes. Ditch the 10 foot stack of flash cards! The best part? You can create your own cards AND share them with other StudyBlue users! Studying just got easier.
Free - Study Blue (Offers in app purchases)
6. Pass it! – Study smarter not harder! Study on the go for the national dental hygiene board exam with this awesome app. Study by subject and cut down on study time by simply finding the subjects you are strong and weak in. Oh, and did we mention it’s FREE with in app purchases?! The FREE app only comes with a few subjects, but we think it’s SO good that it’s totes worth the full purchase.
Free - Pass it! (Full version $19.99)
7. Dental Hygiene Academy - Case studies have your freaking out? Not any more! With this interactive app you can prepare your clinical smarts for any situation. Still skeptical? Download the free version included with one free case study to see if you like the app. *There might even be a secret section! Head to the about us page and click on Andy and Valerie's profile picture for a whole new secret stash of questions!
Free – Dental Hygiene Academy Free Trial
Paid - Dental Hygiene Academy Full Version ($13.99)
8. Andy RDH: Board review for dental hygiene, dental, and dental assisting! We can’t help but say this is the all in one dental professional study app. With nearly 1000 questions to test your dEnTaL sMaRtS on common board items and words. No more carrying your 50lb board review book. (eye roll emoji)
$9.99 - Andy RDH
9.Celebrity Dentist: this one speaks for itself. Bored in class? Open up this game…and when your professor yells at you for using your phone – tell him it’s for educational purposes. Oh and because duh, who wouldn’t want to floss Katy Perry’s teeth?
Free - Celebrity Dentist (Offers in app purchases)
Well Dental Babes, that about sums up our recommendations! What did we miss? Comment below what your favorite Dental App is!
Until next time, XOXO –DHN